• Ann Coulter,  Matt Lauer,  NBC,  Today Show

    Video: Ann Coulter Finally Returns to NBC’s Today Show – Fights with Matt Lauer

    Conservative writer Ann Coulter interviewed by NBC’s Matt Lauer

    Lauer is pretty indignant that Ann Coulter was NOT banned and that she was whining because she was merely cancelled and rescheduled for Tony Blair. We all know former British Prime Minister Tony Blair is more important than selling your latest book, Ann.

    Matt Lauer is a sanctimonious left-wing fool and while he gets in some zingers against Coulter, Flap bets her book sales soar.

    Coulter’s latest book, Guilty, can be purchased here.

    Ann Coulter Guilty

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  • Ann Coulter,  NBC,  NBC News

    Ann Coulter Reportedly Banned for Life at NBC – A Badge of Honor; Update: NBC Denies It


    NBC apparently denies the story.

    Late today, NBC News denied the story with this statement: “We’ve had Ann Coulter on ‘Today’ many times, but because of the news in Washington and the Middle East, we decided to cancel her appearance tomorrow. Understanding the media as well as she does, we are sure she knows this happens from time to time. We look forward to welcoming her back in the future.”

    Ann Coulter tomorrow will be on CBS’s The Early Show instead – Touche NBC


    BFD – Let NBC keep their FAR LEFT Talking Heads Chris Matthews, Olbermann and Maddow.

    “We are just not going to have her on any more, it’s over,” a top network source explains.

    NBC’s TODAY show abruptly cut Ann Coulter from its planned Tuesday broadcast, claiming the schedule was overbooked.

    Coulter was set to unveil her new book, GUILTY.

    But one network insider claims it was the book’s theme — a brutal examination of liberal bias in the new era — that got executives to dis-invite the controversialist.

    “We are just not interested in anyone so highly critical of President-elect Obama, right now,” a TODAY insider reveals. “It’s such a downer. It’s just not the time, and it’s not what our audience wants,either.”

    For the book, Coulter reportedly received the most-lucrative advance ever paid to a conservative author.

    The TODAY show eagerly invited the author months ago, for her first network interview on GUILTY.

    The exclusive was to air during the show’s 7 AM hour. The cut came Monday afternoon.

    Executives at NBC TODAY replaced Coulter with showbiz reporter Perez Hilton, who recently offer $1,000 to anyone who would throw a pie at Ann Coulter. Hilton is also launching a new book this week, RED CARPET SUICIDE.

    But, you know what – Republican pols and conservative activists should remember Matthews’s set-up of Representative Michele Bachmann and boycott the MORONS at NBC anyway.

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  • Jay Leno,  NBC

    NBC Saves Jay Leno and WILL Cut Other Programming

    Battle of the Jaywalk All-Stars Part II, December 3, 2008

    NBC will offer up the 10 PM programming slot to Jay Leno this summer as he leaves the Tonight Show to Conan O’Brien.

    NBC appears prepared to hand over the troublesome 10 o’clock weeknight slot to Jay Leno as the company barrels through a painful restructuring brought on by low ratings and a bad economy.   

    Leno, the soon-to-be-exiting “Tonight Show” host who’s been making rumblings about heading to ABC or elsewhere, will apparently do a nightly prime-time show. This will keep Leno in the NBC fold after Conan O’Brien takes over “Tonight” next year.

    A 10 p.m. Leno show would be high-risk, especially if the host generates viewing levels no higher than the 5 million or so who tune in to watch “Tonight.” But such a program would presumbly be relatively low-cost and would thus help NBC balance the books in a difficult economic environment. The move probably signals an end, at least for now, to NBC’s ambitious and costly 10 p.m. dramas. “ER” is ending its run this season, and new efforts like “My Own Worst Enemy” have failed to find viewers.

    At an investment conference today, NBC Universal boss Jeff Zucker said that the company’s flagship network may trim its programming because of the poor economy.

    “Can we continue to program 22 hours of prime time? Three of our competitors don’t,” Zucker was quoted as saying. “Can we afford to program seven nights a week? One of our competitors doesn’t. All of these questions have to be on the table. And we are actively looking at all of those questions.”

    This is a smart move by NBC.

    They save Jay Leno from being poached by Fox or CBS (to replace the tired and worn out David Letterman) and avoid the high production costs of 10 PM dramas that lately have struggled on NBC.

    So, NBC will try this for the summer, much like the original Dick Cavett Show on ABC (of course more light-hearted content) and if it works then NBC can move its one or two successful 10 PM shows like Law and Order SVU to to other time slots and fill their schedule.

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  • Arlen Specter,  Chris Matthews

    Rasmussen: Arlen Specter 46% Vs. Chris Matthews 43% – Does Retirement Loom for Specter?

    Arlen Specter November 20 2008

    Senator Specter speaks at a press conference announcing a bipartisan proposal to support the automotive industry, November 20, 2008

    Good grief, Chris Matthews?

    It would be a difficult race for Arlen Specter to win because of his age (Specter will be 80 in 2010) and illness – cancer but with these poll numbers will he now retire?

    Republican Senator Arlen Specter is potentially vulnerable in his 2010 bid for re-election. A Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Pennsylvania voters finds Specter leading MSNBC pundit Chris Matthews by just three percentage points, 46% to 43%, in a match-up that may foreshadow one of the nation’s most closely-watched Senate races.

    Matthews, whose handling of the presidential campaign drew loud complaints of bias from Republicans, has expressed interest in the race. His contract with MSNBC expires next year.

    Mark this Senate seat as a likely Democrat pick-up unless Matthews GAFFES his way against a REAL Democrat contender in the  primary election.

    Stay tuned…..


    The Spectre of Chris Matthews as Pennsylvania’s Next United States Senator

    Chris Matthews of MSNBC – In The Tank

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  • Arlen Specter,  Chris Matthews,  MSNBC,  NBC News

    The Spectre of Chris Matthews as Pennsylvania’s Next United States Senator

    Ellen explains how dancing with MSNBC’s host of “Hardball” Chris Matthews got out of hand.

    If Chris Matthews has indeed talked to Democrat Party consultants about facing off against incumbent Pennsylvania GOP Senator Arlen Specter he should relinquish his “Hardball” Show.

    The Patriot News reports the MSNBC host is “continues to talk with top Democrats about the possibility” of running for Senate in 2010 against Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Penn.

    Matthews, 62, met with Democratic State Committee Chairman T.J. Rooney and executive director Mary Isenhour in Washington, D.C. “to discuss the logistics involved in a Senate run. Isenhour said she left that meeting convinced Matthews has not made up his mind about running.”

    Would Matthews make the best candidate against Specter who is OLD and had cancer for years now?

    Who knows?

    But, it is unlikely his show can be viewed as impartial, particularly in this Senate race until Matthews makes up his mind whether to run or not. Of course, he would rather “milk” his announcement and stay on the tube as long as he can.

    NBC News should force his hand.

    In or out, Chris?

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  • Keith Olbermann,  MSNBC,  Peggy Noonan,  Sarah Palin

    Sarah Palin Derangement Syndrome Supplanting Bush Derangement?

    Peggy Noonan makes the point on MSNBC

    Peggy Noonan says the media is “playing” a game to make Sarah Palin the face of the GOP. Of course, we know Noonan is NO fan of Sarah Palin so she is inclined to fuel the fire so to speak – especially on MSNBC.

    But, Noonan has a point. Watch the video below:

    Keith Olbermann ridiculing Sarah Palin on NBC’s Martha Stewart Show over Turkeygate

    Looks like to Flap that NBC and the LEFT which permeates its news AND entertainment shows wish to make Sarah Palin the “NEW” Bush.

    After all, President Bush is leaving office and it worked so well demonizing him for electoral success. Why not pick a new charicature – Sarah Palin?

    Allah has it RIGHT:

    Long story short, the left’s laying a bet that she’ll be easy pickings down the line and the right’s laying a bet that she’s here to save the day. And the pot just keeps getting bigger and bigger.

    Exit Question: While NBC and the LEFT concentrates on Palin Derangement Syndrome will other GOP stars rise to be the face of the party?

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  • NBC

    Rosie O’Donnell on the Down Lo Regarding California Proposition 8

    May 23, 2007 TV Show “The View” on ABC Rosie O’Donnell and Elisabeth Hasselbeck went head to head during the “Hot Topics” segment. Rosie calling Elisabeth “Cowardly”.

    Loud mouth married lesbian Rosie O’Donnell has been conspicuously quiet about California’s Proposition 8 that banned gay marriage.


    Well, Rosie has a new NBC variety show she is trying to sell to NBC network execs.

    Some reporters questioned why O’Donnell has been “oddly absent” from the uproar of California’s passing of Proposition 8, which denies same-sex marriage.

    But the comedian scoffed. “This is nothing new for me. When I got married it was an act of civil disobedience as much as it was a love story. There is not any person in the country who doesn’t know I’m for gay marriage.

    “I’m not vocal enough? I got married before anyone else did. I’ve been living it and living it for a very long time.”

    Yeah right.

    Money talks and the NBC producers told you if you want to work again, keep it down, like Ellen.

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  • ACORN,  Barack Obama,  Day By Day,  La Raza,  MSNBC

    Day By Day by Chris Muir October 23, 2008 – Let’s Get Behind This

    Day By Day 102308

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Fox News this morning is reporting a news media deal between ACORN, La Raza and MSNBC.

    MSNBC has launched a news project with a variety of left-wing special interest groups to boost their Election Day coverage and help viewers experiencing problems at the polls.

    One of the groups involved in MSNBC’s “Election Protection” project is the Association of Community Organizers for Reform Now. ACORN has been involved in rampant voter registration fraud across the nation this election cycle and is actively supporting Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama for president.

    “Our partnership with Election Protection will play a major role in NBC News’ ‘Making Your Vote Count’ coverage, said Phil Alongi, Executive Producer of NBC News’ Election Coverage in an Oct. 22 press release. “Not only will we be able to direct voters who are experiencing problems with a hotline to call, we will also have our team of reporters and producers follow-up on the information Election Protection is gathering.”

    When asked for comment about ACORN’s role in the project MSNBC spokesman Jeremy Gaines wrote Townhall in an email “this a question for them, not us.”

    What NBC news is actually partnering with Team Obama through ACORN? You mean more than through their news anchors, Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann?

    Fancy that media bias……..

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