• Barack Obama,  Mitt Romney,  President 2012

    President 2012 Poll Watch: Obama 47% Vs. Romney 47%

    Obama+and+Romney President 2012 Poll: Romney Takes the Lead over Obama

    According to the latest Washington Post-ABC News poll.

    “The lack of movement underscores intense polarization — about nine in 10 Republicans back Romney, and a similar proportion of Democrats support Obama — and a relatively small percentage of voters say there is a ‘good chance’ that they could change their minds before November. At this point, 74% of all voters are ‘definitely’ supporting Obama or Romney, and 12% say it is unlikely that they will switch from one to the other, making the race a settled issue for nearly nine in 10 voters.”

    In another poll, Romney has taken the national lead, albeit a slight one.

    Mitt Romney continues to hold a whisker-thin 1-percentage-point lead over President Obama in a head-to-head election match-up, but the former Massachusetts governor is eating into the president’s air of inevitability, according to the latest The Washington Times/JZ Analytics poll released Monday night.

    The poll found Mr. Romney leading 43 percent to 42 percent — about the same margin as the poll in May, but Mr. Obama slipped on several key measures, including fewer voters who say they expect him to win, and fewer who say they are voting for him because he’s the best candidate.

    The White House can read the polls and this is why the President has been attacking Romney so early in the race. But, will it be effective?

    I doubt it.

    The country is polarized and the election will come down to Ohio, Virginia and Nevada. Numerous ads have already been playing in those states and those folks must be sick of them already.

    If the economy improves, President Obama will win re-election. If it doesn’t, he won’t.

    Quite simple really.

  • Barack Obama,  Mitt Romney,  President 2012

    Swing States Poll Watch: Obama 47% Vs. Romney 45%

    The Obama and Romney campaigns are already in full advertising mode – in a race that is virtually tied.

    In the 12 battleground states, the race is all but tied. Obama leads Romney 47%-45% among 1,200 registered voters in the poll June 22-29 — a tick closer than Obama’s 48%-44% lead among 2,404 voters in the rest of the USA over the same period.

    The swing states survey focuses on a dozen states that aren’t firmly aligned with either Democrats or Republicans. That puts them in a position to tip the outcome in the Electoral College. The states: Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin.

    The candidates expend enormous time and effort raising money in such cities as New York, Los Angeles and Houston so they can then spend most of that money on ads in such media markets as Colorado Springs, Orlando and Richmond, Va.

    The ad wars in just a few states, rather than policy positions will decide the Presidency.

    Remember the Electoral College decides the race and again, here is my prediction for November:

    2012 Electoral College Final President 2012: State of the Race for the Presidency: April 25, 2012

  • Animals,  Barack Obama,  President 2012,  Unemployment Rate

    Jobs Report: 8.2 % Unemployment Rate With 80K Jobs Created

    The Friday jobs report is out and it is, well, not so good – especially for President Obama.

    The U.S. economy created just 80,000 jobs in June and the unemployment rate held steady at 8.2 percent, reflecting continued slow growth in the economy with the presidential election just four months away.

    The Bureau of Labor Statistics said private payrolls increased 84,000, while the government lost 4,000 jobs. Economists expected job growth of about 100,000 and the unemployment rate to be unchanged, though many had increased their forecasts based on some recent indicators.

    With yet another month of weak employment growth, the second quarter marks the worst three-month period in two years. The period averaged just 75,000 per month, against 226,000 in the first quarter, which benefited from an unusually mild winter.

    May’s weak initial 69,000 report was revised upward to 77,000, which made the June growth essentially the same. The April number was revised lower, from 77,000 to 68,000.

    “What a disappointing number,” said Jeff Savage, regional chief investment officer for Wells Fargo Private Bank. “This was kind of disastrous. We’re not even keeping up with demographics at this point. This is not going to be liked in the markets.”

    The stock market, where futures had been essentially flat before the jobs number was released at 8:30 am ET, fell sharply, though that disappointment could be tempered by hopes of more stimulus from Washington.

    With Mitt Romney falling in the polls lately, this should re-ignite his campaign and refocus his narrative on jobs and the economy.

    President Obama may have won a victory when the Supreme Court ruled ObamaCare constitutional, but the economy is still not growing and the unemployment rate is high.

  • Barack Obama,  Obamacare

    Video: Another Broken Obama Promise – ObamaCare is a Tax

    Actually, President Obama’s health care reform law, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) is a series of tax increases over time. The increases have just not been assessed or paid yet – except in a few instances.

    The Republican National Committee in their video above aptly reminds voters about Obama’s broken promise from 2008.

    But, the verdict is out whether this will be the prominent issue that Mitt Romney and GOP use against the President in November.

    It is the economy…..

  • Barack Obama,  Day By Day,  Eric Holder

    Day By Day for June 26 and June 27, 2012

    Day By Day by Chris Muir – No S–t

    Day By Day by Chris Muir -News

    Chris, everyone is wating for tomorrow’s Supreme Court ruling on ObamaCare.

    Fortunately, for Attorney General Eric Holder his machinations with Fast and Furious may be lost in the media frenzy. But, this issue will come back to bite the Obama Administration.

    The Fast and Furious scandal WILL be tied into the President’s illegal immigration policy and further alienate voters in Colorado and Nevada – key battleground states for the November general election.

  • Barack Obama,  Mitt Romney

    Obama Attacks Romney as Outsourcer in Chief

    This is no great surprise and in fact, the issue was raised by Newt Gingrich during the GOP Presidential campaign.

    President Obama is releasing ads in Iowa, Ohio and Virginia that rely on a recent Washington Post story to argue that former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney would be an outsourcer-in-chief.

    “The Washington Post has just revealed that Romney’s companies were pioneers in shipping U.S. jobs overseas,” each ad says.

    The story reported that “[d]uring the nearly 15 years that Romney was actively involved in running Bain, a private equity firm that he founded, it owned companies that were pioneers in the practice of shipping work from the United States to overseas call centers and factories.”

    Each ad begins with a clip from one of Romney’s recent “100 Days” ads, in which Romney revealed some of his plans for his first term. Those ads were tailored for various swing states, and Obama’s ads are too.

    The Ohio ad focuses on Romney’s claim that he would stand up to China on his first day in office. “Romney’s never stood up to China,” the narrator says. “All he’s ever done is send them our jobs.”

    The Virginia and Iowa ads highlight Romney’s job promises and ask if the state wants “an outsourcer-in-chief in the White House?”

    This is the same campaign that California U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer used against Republican former Hewlett-Packared CEO Carly Fiorina in 2010. Except this time it is Bain and the ads will be run on sterioids.

    But, will it be enough to distract voters from Obama’s abysmal economic record?

    Here is one of the ads embedded below:

  • Barack Obama,  Day By Day,  President 2012

    Day By Day June 24, 2012 – Fifth Columns

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Chris, the MSM, especially NBC has been especially pathetic this Presidential cycle defending Obama.

    I mean – someone, somehow has to do it.

    Obama’s record is so poor, even his own Democrats in Congress are refusing to attend the Democratic National Convention this summer.

    We are waiting this morning for SCOTUS to rule on ObamaCare. When the announcement is made, it may be the beginning of the end of the Obama Administration.

  • Barack Obama,  Mitt Romney,  Polling,  President 2012

    Romney Now Leads Obama Among Middle Income Voters

    According to the latest Obama vs. Romney Gallup Presidential Poll.

    Mitt Romney currently has a 49% to 45% edge over Barack Obama among middle-income voters, those whose annual household income is between $36,000 and $89,999. Romney has the same lead among upper-income voters, while Obama maintains a wide advantage among lower-income voters.

    The results are based on Gallup Daily tracking of 2012 election preferences by demographic group, including more than 9,000 interviews with registered voters conducted between May 14 and June 3. During this period, Obama and Romney were tied at 46% among all registered voters.

    Voting preferences by income group have been fairly well-established since Gallup began tracking the general election on April 11. Obama’s lead over Romney among low-income voters has ranged between 13 and 16 percentage points in each of the three-week rolling averages of the vote by demographic group that Gallup has reported since late April. Meanwhile, Romney’s edge among middle-income voters has been between four and seven points, and among upper-income voters, between four and six points.

    Romney, the wealthy former head of Bain Capital, has slightly greater appeal to the highest-income voters in Gallup’s data, those making $180,000 or more in annual income. This group has shown a 53% to 42% preference for Romney since mid-April, compared with 50% to 45% for Romney among those earning between $90,000 and $179,999.

    Again, this is good news for Mitt Romney and the Republican Party.

    If Obama loses the middle income folks, he is not going to be re-elected.The fact is there is greater voter participation among middle income voters than lower income ones.

    It appears that Obama’s appeal is based more upon race, than winning the economic argument of “sharing the wealth around.”

    Obama’s large lead among low-income voters overall is due to two factors. First, as the prior table shows, lower-income nonwhites prefer Obama to Romney by a 68-point margin, compared with smaller 55-point and 52-point margins among middle- and upper-income nonwhites, respectively. At the same time, Romney has a smaller lead among lower-income white voters (10 points) than among middle- (19 points) or upper-income white voters (14 points).

    Second, and perhaps more importantly, nonwhites fall disproportionately into the lower-income group. Nearly half of nonwhites, 49%, report annual household incomes of less than $36,000. And 38% of those in the lower-income group are nonwhite, compared with 22% of those in the middle-income group and 17% in the upper-income group.

    But, most importantly, Mitt Romney is leading among middle income and independent voters, a key demographic.

    Though Romney’s edge among middle-income voters is similar to his lead among upper-income voters, in certain subgroups of middle-income voters he performs especially well. That includes middle-income independent voters, who right now prefer Romney by an eight-point margin, 48% to 40%. Obama leads among lower-income independents, and the two are tied among upper-income independents.

    All in all, a good poll for Mitt Romney early in the race.

    No wonder the odds makers at InTrade.com have seen Obama crater in recent trading.