• Barack Obama,  John Boehner,  John McCain

    Boehner: Obama’s Economic Stimulus Plan – “A Lot of Wasteful Washington Spending”

    House Republican Leader John Boehner on today’s Meet The Press

    The GOP has drawn a line in the sand regarding President Obama’s latest economic stimulus proposal.

    Republicans plan to test President Barack Obama’s commitment to bipartisanship as his $825 billion stimulus package heads to the floor of the House of Representatives this week, with the House Republican leader saying Sunday morning that many in his party will vote no unless there are significant changes to the plan.

    “Right now, given the concerns that we have over the size of this package and all of the spending in this package, we don’t think it’s going to work,” the House Minority Leader John A. Boehner, Republican of Ohio, said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “And so if it’s the plan that I see today, put me down in the no column.”

    While the plan can potentially pass the Democrat-dominated House without Republican support, it will continue to face opposition when it comes before the Senate, said Senator John McCain of Arizona, speaking on “Fox News Sunday.” At least two Republicans will need to approve the bill for a filibuster-proof majority vote of 60.

    Senator McCain, who lost the presidential election to Mr. Obama in November, said that he planned to vote no unless the bill were changed.

    “We need to make tax cuts permanent, and we need to make a commitment that there’ll be no new taxes,” Mr. McCain said. “We need to cut payroll taxes. We need to cut business taxes.”

    “We need to have a commitment that after a couple of quarters of G.D.P. growth that we will embark on a path,” he said about the gross domestic product, “to reduce spending to get our budget in balance.”

    Both Boehner and McCain are RIGHT. The American economy needs a recovery plan but one that works, stimulates business activity and one that leads to MORE American jobs – and quickly.

    Since the government will be running massive short term deficits anyway, why not suspend the payroll tax for workers and create an immediate tax credit to be applied to an employer’s share of the paytoll tax to business if they hire employees?

    Sounds to simple, doesn’t it?

    But, it is immediate and is what the economy needs.

    Massive government spending without direction (Obama’s plan) is throwing money down a rat hole.

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  • Barack Obama,  Day By Day,  John McCain,  Paris Hilton

    Day By Day by Chris Muir January 23, 2009 – Casablanca

    Day By Day 012309

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Every Hollywood left-leaning celeb made a point to be seen at the Obama Inauguration. Paris Hilton was missing but didn’t she do a commercial for John McCain?

    Just kidding.

    Team McCain ran an effective ad touting Obama’s celeb status featuring Paris Hilton about the time “The One” made his Berlin speech. And, after the flap of using Paris and Britney Spears, the McCain campaign reworked the ad.

    Now, Damon, you watch yourself in Paris. Flap understands Jacque Chirac’s dog may still be on the loose.


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  • Cindy McCain,  John McCain,  Sarah Palin

    John McCain Puts the KIBOSH on Wife Cindy Competing in Dancing With The Stars

    John and Cindy McCain

    Senator John and Cindy McCain

    What a shame.

    Our impeccably placed source says, “Just before Thanksgiving, Cindy McCain (above) started talks with producers to appear as a dancer on the show. She wanted to do it very badly.” But this week, Sen. McCain “put the kibosh on it.” Reps for the show and McCain didn’t return calls.

    Why allow your wife to step on your press? Right, Senator?

    But, you can no longer control Sarah Palin, now can you?

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  • Glenn Beck,  John McCain,  Sarah Palin

    Sarah Palin to Be Glenn Beck’s First Guest on Fox News Channel

    Alaska’s Governor, Sarah Palin, talks about her state and resource development.

    John McCain and Barack Obama may be DISSING Sarah Palin but she is back in the spotlight as Glenn Beck’s first guest as his show debuts next Monday on the Fox News Channel.

    The interview will be live and Palin will appear via Satellite from Alaska. Glenn Beck’s show starts on Monday at 5 PM EST which will be BEFORE Obama’s tribute dinner for McCain. A dinner to which Sarah Palin was not invited.

    Looks like the ‘CUDA is upstaging John McCain in the media again.

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  • Barack Obama,  John McCain,  Sarah Palin

    Sarah Palin Snubbed for Obama Inaugural Dinner Honoring John McCain?

    McCain and Palin

    The word is out that Alaska Governor Sarah Palin will NOT be attending President-Elect Barack Obama’s dinner for GOP opponent John McCain this next week.

    But, why?

    On the night before Barack Obama is sworn in as the nation’s 44th President, his inaugural committee will host a series of dinners honoring public servants it deems champions of bipartisanship. To be feted are Vice President-elect Joe Biden, Colin Powell, and John McCain, whom Obama vanquished last November. At the McCain dinner, the GOP senator, who managed to suppress his bipartisan tendencies during the hard-fought 2008 campaign, will be introduced by one of his closest Senate confidants: Senator Lindsey Graham. But McCain’s No. 1 booster during the last year will not be among those hailing McCain. Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, his controversial running-mate, will not attend the dinner, Bill McAllister, a Palin spokesman tells Mother Jones.

    Here is the official Palin office explanation:

    According to McAllister, Palin will spend next week in her home state preparing for the legislative session, which begins on Tuesday, and for her State of the State address on Thursday.

    Was she even invited? “I don’t know if she was invited,” McCallister says. Don’t know? How could that be? It’s hard to miss an invitation from a presidential inauguration committee. For its part, Obama’s inaugural committee has declined to say whether an invitation was sent to Palin. Repeated phone calls to its press office produced no answer to this simple question.

    So, is there still bad blood between the McCain and Palin camps of the Republican Party? Is McCain pissed off about Palin’s latest attack on her media handlers and the MSM in general. And, what about McCain’s daughter refusing to discuss Sarah Palin for the blogs?

    Or is McCain just being “The Maverick,” deferring to “The One” and being politically correct while not having that bible thumper, “UNQUALIFIED” HICK around? Part of McCain’s political rehabilitation with the media and Washingtonians, perhaps?

    If Palin was left off the guest list, it’s not clear whether the snub came from McCain or the Presidential Inaugural Committee. But it’s not terribly hard to imagine why she might not make the cut. There appears to be lingering bad blood between the McCain and Palin factions, over such issues as the profligate spending spree to attire the vice presidential candidate and her family (Silk boxers for the first dude?) and the McCain campaign’s botched media roll-out of Palin. The Alaska Governor still appears to be holding a grudge against the McCainiacs, as evidenced by recently released excerpts from her interview with conservative filmmaker John Ziegler, whose forthcoming documentary explores the “media malpractice” that supposedly paved the way for Obama’s election. In the interview, she lashed out at the media, but also criticized her McCain campaign handlers for allowing her to become a campaign punchline in multiple disastrous interviews with CBS News’ Katie Couric.

    Flap bets it was McCain who deemed it unwise to invite Sarah Palin. After all, isn’t after “The One,” isn’t it all about McCain?

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  • Barack Obama,  John McCain,  Lindsey Graham

    John McCain’s Political Rehabilitation Through Barack Obama?

    Obama and McCain

    Senator John McCain and President-elect Barack Obama

    Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum sounds the warning bells about John “MAVERICK” McCain and what the Senator might WILL do to politically rehabilitate himself before the MSM.

    McCain was once the mainstream media darling, back when he joined Democrats on a host of issues. He prized his maverick moniker and used it to propel himself onto the national scene in the 2000 Republican presidential primary. Early in the Bush years, he shored up his status as the media’s favorite Republican by opposing Bush on taxes and the environment.

    But this love fest came to a halt when McCain became the front-runner for the GOP nomination. First he began to sound more like a conservative by altering his stands on immigration, the environment and taxes. Then he named Sarah Palin his running mate. It was too much for a media that had fallen head over heels for Obama. The media had a new darling.

    In McCain’s mind, however, losing the presidency will not be the final chapter of his life story. He knows the path to “Big Media” redemption. Working with the man who vanquished him in November will show them all the real McCain again.

    Remember, it was this onetime prisoner of war who led the charge to open diplomatic relations with Vietnam. If that past is prologue, and McCain’s legislative record is any guide, he will not just join with Obama but lead the charge in Congress on global warming, immigration “reform,” the closing of Guantanamo, federal funding for embryonic-stem-cell research, and importation of prescription drugs.

    But McCain won’t stop there in his effort to rehabilitate himself in the media’s – or maybe his own – eyes. He will forge common ground on a long list of initiatives that go far beyond where he has gone before, including the stimulus package.

    Alas, the two White House rivals now stand positioned to help secure each other’s place in history. The next mainstream media blockbuster could be Barack Obama and John McCain: The Movie.

    John McCain will have to tread very softly since he is OLD and up for re-election in 2010. A health problem or a conservative issue faux paus could lead to a divisive Republican primary challenge in Arizona. A challenge McCain could lose.

    Now, will that deter the maverick from making nice with the Democrats and President Obama and capitulating on key policy issues that differentiate the parties?

    Perhaps. But, beyond this alarm is an event that occurred yesterday. Senator Lindsey Graham (McCain Maverick Lite) was cozing up to Obama and Joe Biden.

    To look at President-elect Barack Obama and Sen. Lindsey Graham sitting side by side Wednesday and to hear them passing out praise, you wouldn’t know that scarcely 10 weeks ago they were at political war.

    Graham, a South Carolina Republican, is a close friend of Sen. John McCain and crisscrossed the country with him during his losing presidential bid.

    “I think this is a good way to get started,” Graham said as he sat with Obama and Vice President-elect Joe Biden before a throng of journalists at the Obama transition headquarters in Washington . “The campaign is over. I’m disappointed in the outcome, but like every American I’m excited about what awaits our country in the future.

    During a 45-minute private meeting, Biden and Graham briefed Obama on their just-completed five-day trip to Afghanistan , Iraq , Pakistan and Kuwait .

    The three men then met reporters against a backdrop of five American flags.

    Graham told Obama that the foreign leaders they’d met are extremely enthusiastic about his inauguration on Tuesday.

    “There’s a moment in time for this country to re-engage the international community, and to make sure that we have international support to stabilize Afghanistan , Pakistan and Iraq ,” Graham said.

    “(Obama’s) popularity and the respect he has earned throughout the world give America a chance to re-engage not only in the region, but in a way that in the long run makes his job easier and takes the pressure off our troops,” he said.

    Graham turned to Obama and added:

    “That’s a compliment to you and the way you have campaigned, and the goodwill you have generated.”

    McCain and Graham will be watched over the next few months. If they surrender the GOP’s ideals, the fur will fly and Flap knows who will be the chief furrier – Sarah Palin.

    Stay tuned……

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  • GOP,  John McCain,  Republican National Committee

    Why Flap is NOT Missing a John McCain Election


    Senator John McCain on ABC’s “This Week”, December 14, 2008

    Answer (s):

    • “You know, in all due respect to the Republican National Committee and anybody — right now, I think we should try to be working constructively together…”. Video is here.
    • “The committee’s report details the inexcusable link between abusive interrogation techniques used by our enemies who ignored the Geneva Conventions and interrogation policy for detainees in U.S. custody,” Sen. McCain said in a statement. “These policies are wrong and must never be repeated.”

    Flap is not losing ANY sleep either wondering if McCain will EVER support Sarah Palin or any other Republican for President.

    Like an old soldier, McCain should just fade away – and quickly.

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  • Day By Day,  John McCain,  Republican National Committee

    Day By Day by Chris Muir December 15, 2008 – Personal Politics

    Day By Day 121508

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    But, “The Maverick” John McCain, the RIGHT’S (?) Presidential candidate says the GOP should give President-Elect Barack Obama a pass on his association with Hot Rod Blagojevich trying to sell his U.S. Senate seat.

    McCain even chastized the Republican National Committee.

    Looks like a surrender – nothing personal there.


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  • Frank Luntz,  John McCain,  Michael Ramirez,  Sarah Palin

    Frank Luntz to John McCain – GO AWAY OLD MAN


    Political Cartoon by Michael Ramirez

    GOP pollster and pundit Frank Luntz had a few choice observations/comments at today’s Republican Governor confab in Miami.

    • Noting that Obama has an email list of 10 million voters, Luntz said that coalition “makes him and his supporters the most powerful special interest group in all of America.”
    • “He’s got 10 million names and our candidate doesn’t know how to use this,” Luntz continues, holding up his BlackBerry in the air.  “There is a problem there.”
    • “Stevie Wonder reads a teleprompter better than John McCain,” Luntz cracked drawing laughs.

    John McCain was too old to be elected President. America had grown tired of Bush and angry old white men.

    McLame should never have been the Republican nominee.

    Flap said this over and over during the primary season.

    McCain admitted did not know how to use e-mail while Barack Obama and the Democrats were raising tens of millions on the internet. He was out of touch and held back Sarah Palin who was more relevant.

    John McCain knew little if anything about financial matters and the economy and it showed while America plunged into crisis. McCain has never run anything except his “MAVERICK” mouth in the Senate cloak room.

    So, while we laugh at Frank Luntz’s quips – we know he is RIGHT.

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