• John McCain,  Sarah Palin

    Why the RIGHT Calls John McCain – McLAME

    Senator John McCain on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno November 12, 2008 – Part 1

    The election is not one week over and John McCain, “THE MAVERICK” is already selling out and NOT SUPPORTING his Vice Presidential nominee, Sarah Palin from the vicious rumors from his former campaign aides. Remember the NAKED AIRHEAD SHOPAHOLIC?

    McLame is the name.

    Let’s look at the transcript and then some more video of the LAME Senator from Arizona.

    Senator John McCain: She understands all the energy issues. There’s a $40 billion pipeline coming to bring natural gas to places like California. And so look, she’s a marvelous person.

    Jay Leno: Now, these aides that were criticizing her — and I think everyone agrees there were Republican aides who were criticizing her. I know you wouldn’t go for that. I know you’re an old soul. You don’t let people talk — but why?

    Senator John McCain: One — these things happen in campaigns too. I think I have at least a thousand, quote, top advisors. “A top advisor said” — people I’ve never even heard of, much less a, quote, top advisor or a high-ranking Republican official. It’s — these things go on in campaigns, and you 6 just –

    Jay Leno: Why don’t we just move on.

    Senator John McCain: I’m just very proud to have had Sarah Palin and her family, a wonderful family.

    Here is part two of the video of Senator McLame and Jay Leno:

    Hell of a job of kissing your own ass, Senator McLame and leaving Sarah Palin to twist in the wind. But, what does the RIGHT expect? McLame have never been supportive of anyone but his own damn ass.

    Isn’t it revealing that McCain would not name names in the leaks. Nicolle Wallace and Rick Davis have already been on television attempting to save their own reputations and who has been conspicuous by his absence?

    McLame’s good friend advisors Mark Salter and Steve Schmidt.

    Now, Sarah Palin will come out fine in this flap and McCain will return to the Senate where Flap will cringe for the next two years every time he opens his fraking mouth – at least until he retires.

    A GOP loss is a GOP loss and McLame presided.

    Now, you know why Flap endorsed Rudy Giuliani in the GOP primary elections.


    Sarah Palin – Naked Airhead Shopaholic is Sorting Through Clothes Today

    Nicolle Wallace Defends Sarah Palin Over Anonymous McCain Campaign Staff Smears

    Sarah Palin is a Naked Airhead Shopaholic – According to Nicolle Wallace

    Sarah Palin is a Naked Airhead Shopaholic

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  • Barack Obama,  Day By Day,  John McCain

    Day By Day by Chris Muir November 3, 2008 – Yes Way

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    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    The MSM shameful “in the tank” behavior and the outright voter fraud of ACORN are obstacles to the McCain-Palin ticket.

    Barack Obama has done a great job in Bush BASHING and “hiding the ball” with regards to his radical left-wing positions on both domestic and foreign policy issues.

    The race for the Presidency is NOT over until the votes are counted. Now, is the time to GET OUT THE VOTE.


    Today, in between breaking news posts, Flap will give his California ballot recommendations. For up to the minute election news today and tomorrow (election day) look here (Twitter Updates) ————>
    or Follow Flap on Twitter on the web or your mobile device.


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  • GOP,  John McCain

    McCain Campaign Supporter Ashley Todd Slapped on Wrist for BS Mutilation Story

    McCain supporter Ashley Todd

    Ashley Todd was in court today and pled out to essentially a wrist slap for fabricating an attack and mutilation story.

    A John McCain campaign volunteer agreed on Thursday to enter a probation program for first-time offenders for falsely reporting that a Barack Obama supporter robbed and assaulted her and scratched a “B” on her cheek.

    Ashley Todd, 20, of College Station, Texas, claimed the attack happened when the robber saw her McCain bumper sticker.

    Todd appeared before a city judge and waived her right to a hearing and was to be released from jail later Thursday.

    Under the agreement, her criminal record will be expunged after if she stays out of trouble and gets mental treatment on probation. Most people spend a year on probation in the program, which is for first-time, nonviolent offenders.

    “Our focus was really, ‘This is somebody who appeared to have some mental issues,'” said prosecutor Chris Avetta. “And we wanted to make sure she doesn’t hurt herself or anybody else.”

    Obviously, Todd has some mental problems and Flap is glad she will receive the obligatory help. If she fails to abide by her plea deal today she can be sentenced to up to two years in jail – OUCH!


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  • Day By Day,  John McCain

    Day By Day by Chris Muir October 30, 2008 – RINO Virus

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    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    From Rich Lowry at National Review:

    McCain earned his chops as the media’s favorite Republican senator by being a maverick, or in a less exalted formulation, a gadfly. He pursued pet causes inimical to his party, such as campaign-finance reform, and made it his role to tell fellow Republicans what he considered hard truths.

    None of this endeared him to Republican primary voters. He won the nomination anyway on the basis of his admirable support for the surge (adopted when he was in typical gadfly mode) and a few stock lines. He became the Republican nominee by default, without an organization or fundraising operation to speak of, and soon enough lost the press, too.

    McCain’s rapport with the media depended on snarky banter about his own party and about himself. That couldn’t continue in the general election, so McCain’s campaign cut him off. His lifeline to his former admirers denied to him, McCain became a demonstrably unhappy warrior.

    Rich like Chris Muir’s political cartoon above is absolutely RIGHT. McCain was never the favorite of conservatives or even the GOP base for the Republican Party Presidential nomination. Rudy Giuliani’s personal baggage sunk his candidacy while Mitt Romney’s flip-flops did him in. Mike Huckabee was never a serious contender but a spoiler for the Mormon Romney. Fred Thompson did not have the energy to mount a strong campaign.

    McCain became the easy default candidate.

    McCain’s selection of Sarah Palin has energized the vast right-wing conspiracy base and is a portent for the coming renewal of the Republican Party. New, accomplished and younger GOP candidates will burst upon the scene in the next few years while the “old soldier” candidates fade away.

    A new generation of candidates who will support the Republican Party and not be gadflies will lead the party from the wilderness of 2006 and 2008.

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  • Day By Day,  John McCain

    Day By Day by Chris Muir October 29, 2008 – Shelf Life

    Day By Day 102908

    Day By Day by Chris Muir

    John McCain made his name in national politics by being the “MAVERICK” to his own Republican party. However, McCain is being hoisted up by his own petard in this Presidential race.

    It is much easier being a “MAVERICK” than to actually work with your party and stand for something. Hence, Obama’s lead in the polls – among other things.

    Flap reflects that should of , could of, would of Rudy Giuliani come clean about his personal baggage and had the economy been more of an issue, Giuliani would have won the New Hampshire primary and gone on to be the GOP nominee. Rudy would have been a far more credible candidate on the economy and domestic policy.


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  • Charles Krauthammer,  John McCain,  Kathleen Parker,  Michael Ramirez,  Peggy Noonan

    Charles Krauthhammer – McCain for President


    Political cartoon by Michael Ramirez

    Charles Krauthammer endorses John McCain for President today.

    Contrarian that I am, I’m voting for John McCain. I’m not talking about bucking the polls or the media consensus that it’s over before it’s over. I’m talking about bucking the rush of wet-fingered conservatives leaping to Barack Obama before they’re left out in the cold without a single state dinner for the next four years.

    I stand athwart the rush of conservative ship-jumpers of every stripe — neo (Ken Adelman), moderate (Colin Powell), genetic/ironic (Christopher Buckley) and socialist/atheist (Christopher Hitchens) — yelling “Stop!” I shall have no part of this motley crew. I will go down with the McCain ship. I’d rather lose an election than lose my bearings.

    First, I’ll have no truck with the phony case ginned up to rationalize voting for the most liberal and inexperienced presidential nominee in living memory. The “erratic” temperament issue, for example. As if McCain’s risky and unsuccessful but in no way irrational attempt to tactically maneuver his way through the economic tsunami that came crashing down a month ago renders unfit for office a man who demonstrated the most admirable equanimity and courage in the face of unimaginable pressures as a prisoner of war, and who later steadily navigated innumerable challenges and setbacks, not the least of which was the collapse of his campaign just a year ago.

    Read the entire piece.

    But, Charles forgot another conservative ship-jumper – Peggy Noonan.

    For Peggy and Kathleen Parker those state dinners will taste – well, bitter sweet, no?

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  • Barack Obama,  John McCain

    McCain Supporter Ashley Todd Attacked and Mutilated in Pittsburgh


    Good God.

    What has the United States become.

    A woman robbed at knifepoint at a Pittsburgh ATM told police her attacker knocked her down and carved a “B” in her face after noticing a John McCain sticker on her car.

    Police say the victim refused medical attention for the wound. An officer saw the injury, but a police report does not describe its size or severity.

    Authorities say the woman is from Texas, but aren’t identifying her.

    Pittsburgh police spokeswoman Diane Richards says the woman was withdrawing money at 9 p.m. Wednesday when a man approached her from behind, put a knife to her neck and demanded money. She says she gave him $60.

    The woman told police the robber then noticed the bumper sticker, punched her in the back of the head, knocked her down and carved a “B” on her face.

    Video here.

    The victim has been identified as Ashley Todd, a College Republican field representative.

    Stay tuned……


    Flap has to say he is skeptical too.

    The smoking gun?: She declined medical treatment and the “B” looks very superficial.

  • Barack Obama,  John McCain,  Media Bias,  NBC News,  Sarah Palin

    Shocking: John McCain Gets More Negative Media Coverage Than Barack Obama

    tanning bed

    The Tanning Bed Media

    In a shocker, it is reported by the Pew Research Center that John McCain is receiving more negative media coverage than Barack Obama.

    The study, released Wednesday, examined 2,412 campaign stories from 48 news outlets during the six weeks from the end of the conventions through the final presidential debate.

    The results: While the candidates are receiving equal amounts of coverage, 59% of stories about McCain were “decidedly negative in nature,” while only 14% were positive.

    Obama hasn’t exactly been fawned over by media, but the coverage statistically has been more evenhanded, with 36% of stories clearly positive, 35% neutral or mixed, and 29% negative.

    On Sarah Palin:

    Sarah Palin coverage’s had an “up and down trajectory, moving from quite positive, to very negative, to more mixed,” the study said. The negative coverage dealt with looks into her public record and her relationship with the press. “Little of her trouble came from coverage of her personal traits or family issues,” the authors said.

    The key question: Are the media pro-Obama?

    The study said the question was not answerable by the data.

    Flap knows, then, they did not survey NBC News which is anti-McCain, anti-Palin and pro-Obama ALL OF THE TIME.

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