• Flap,  Politics,  President 2024

    Who Will Be The 2024 GOP Presidential Nominee?

    With the sham impeachment of President Trump over and the virtual certainty of Trump’s re-election in November

    Koupit Priligy

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    , who will be the GOP Presidential nomination in 2024? Poll ends on 12 February 2020.

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  • Pinboard Links,  The Morning Flap

    The Morning Flap: February 19, 2013

    Alan Simpson and Erskine Bowles

    Simpson and Bowles

    These are my links for February 19th:

    • New Bowles-Simpson deficit plan would cut $2.4 trillion – Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson proposed a new framework Tuesday to cut the country’s debt by $2.4 trillion over the next decade.Bowles and Simpson were the co-chairmen of President Obama’s bipartisan fiscal commission in 2010, and their recommendations came to serve as a yardstick for other debt-reduction proposals.
    • Obama, the puppet master
    • Obama blackmails tax payers while blaming Republicans
    • Tea Party challenger to McConnell emerging – Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) could see a primary challenge from local businessman Matt Bevin, who sources say is reaching out to Tea Party groups in the state to gauge support for a 2014 Senate run.Sarah Duran, president of the Louisville Tea Party, told The Hill that Bevin had been in touch with her over the phone to discuss his run multiple times over the past few weeks, and that he met with the group two weeks ago to discuss his interest in the race.
    • GOP senators waiting for Obama outreach
    • Colorado Democrat: Women Don’t Need Guns If They ‘Feel Like They’re Going To Be Raped’
    • Obama leak lets ‘Gang of Eight’ look tough on immigration | WashingtonExaminer.com – RT @ByronYork: New: Obama leak lets ‘Gang of Eight’ look tough on immigration.
    • Twitter / Flap: Way to go @LizMair! We need … – Way to go @LizMair! We need to see you on the Tee Vee much more!
    • Sessions: “The leaked plan is little different in its substance from the Gang of 8 plan” | WashingtonExaminer.com – Sessions: “The leaked plan is little different in its substance from the Gang of 8 plan” | #tcot
    • Sessions: “The leaked plan is little different in its substance from the Gang of 8 plan” | WashingtonExaminer.com – Sessions: “The leaked plan is little different in its substance from the Gang of 8 plan” #tcot
    • Why is Obama threatening to release his own immigration plan? – The brutal truth, as some Republicans aren’t shy about noting, is that Obama’s bill isn’t all that different from Rubio’s. And to the extent that it is different, Democrats and their immigration-lobby allies will go on agitating to make the final product more like O’s bill if/when it passes. He can live, happily, with Rubio’s bill as law. On the other hand, If Obama talks up his own bill and ends up polarizing the issue until the compromise falls apart, great! He’ll happily use that as leverage for the “GOP hates Latinos” talking point in 2014. Realistically, the only way he’ll have a truly consequential second term is if Democrats can take back the House; that’s what his gun-control campaign right now is all about, and that’s what the fate of things like cap-and-trade rests on. If Republicans hang onto the House next year, O’s last two years will be spent mired in lame-duck misery. If they don’t, he’ll be the rare president who ends eight years in office with a flurry of significant “achievements.” I think Obama would be willing to trade that legacy for the legacy of having passed comprehensive immigration reform with GOP help, especially given what it means for Democratic electoral gains long-term, but if he does get the House back in 2014 then he can pass immigration reform — and an assault-weapons ban, and cap-and-trade — later. The only true disaster scenario for him is if immigration talks collapse now and the GOP holds the House in 2014 anyway. That’s quite possible, and maybe even probable, and that’s why he’s not being more aggressive right now in trying to sabotage the negotiations.
    • Sessions: “The leaked plan is little different in its substance from the Gang of 8 plan” – Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., may have quickly denounced the immigration plan President Obama leaked this weekend, but most conservatives see little difference between Rubio’s efforts and Obama’s framework. Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., a senior member of the Senate Judiciary Committee released the following statement on the leaked Obama plan today:The release of the President’s immigration plan is more than a misstep or clever political maneuver. It is a dramatic disclosure of his real immigration ideology and goals. The plan grants amnesty on day one while making hollow promises of future enforcement that will never occur. The plan is a giveaway for the special interests and the open borders lobby. This president will never dedicate himself to enforcing the law, and this plan offers only further proof of that.It is plain what is happening. The special interests are again in the White House, demanding and getting their favors granted, while American workers and the public interest are again locked out.
    • Immigration reform groups use low-key strategy against Rubio amnesty – Immigration reform groups are responding cautiously to the Feb. 14 revelation that Sen. Marco Rubio’s aides apparently tried to portray them as left-wing, anti-Christian misanthropes.Their low-key response has helped tamp down the potential conflict with Rubio, who is working with seven other senators on a controversial rewrite of the nation’s immigration laws.The senator’s spokesman, Alex Conant, also downplayed the revelations sketched in the Washington Post’s article.
    • Immigration Double Kabuki – Maybe there is some Beltway logic to this story that I don’t understand. Here’s the situation: Obama wants an immigration bill. He knows that if he comes down heavily on one side Republicans might get their backs up and oppose whatever he proposes. So he is giving the Senate “negotiators” space. I understand that much. Never mind that the Senate “Gang of 8? negotiators are seven amnesty-first supporters plus Marco Rubio, who is also an amnesty-first supporter (if he wasn’t he wouldn’t have Cesar Conda as his chief of staff). Let’s assume for now that if these eight Friends of Amnesty can come up with a deal the rest of the Senate can pretend it’s a “bipartisan compromise,” at least until the public finds out what is in it.
    • Obama’s Amnesty Bill = Rubio’s Amnesty Bill – Over the weekend, the White House leaked parts of a proposed amnesty bill to USA Today’s Alan Gomez. Obama’s chief of staff, Denis McDonough, described the proposed bill as a backup plan in case the Senate doesn’t act. Unlike the Schumer/Rubio amnesty plan, the administration bill contains no enforcement “triggers” that would have to be met before the amnestied illegals could move from green card lite to full green-card status. Rubio said the bill would be “dead on arrival” if it were to be introduced, while Paul Ryan said it would take things “in the wrong direction.”The “backup plan” stuff is nonsense — the point of leaking the bill is to enable Rubio to say that his amnesty plan is waaay different from the dastardly Obama plan, even though they’re identical in the only respect that matters: amnesty immediately for all illegal aliens, with work cards, Social Security numbers, driver’s licenses, the right to travel abroad and return, etc. The president has repeatedly said he wants to stand back and let Congress come up with a bill because if he were to send one to Congress it would be toxic for Republicans — i.e., those Republicans who desperately want to sell out their constituents by backing amnesty but are afraid of the voter backlash. The Rubio and Ryan criticisms of the proposed bill sound almost as though they were scripted by Schumer and White House to make the Senate Gang of Eight scheme seem more palatable to such Republicans.
  • Day By Day

    Day By Day February 8, 2013 – GOP:The Cones of Silence

    Day By Day February 8, 2013Day By Day by Chris Muir

    Chris, the GOP and puppet-mater Karl Rove are acting more like DUMB heads rather than CONE-heads.

    The House GOP should be back to the business of improving the American economy and let Obama/Democrats flounder with immigration amnesty, gun control and other constituency bolstering politics.

    I have no problem with Senator Rubio responding to the President’s State of the Union address in Spanish, as well as English. There is a large Spanish language media and why not communicate in this manner?

  • Illegal Immigration,  Immigration

    The GOP Rush to Immigration Reform


    Sen. Rubio Discusses His Immigration Principles on “The Mark Levin Show “

    All of  potential 2016 GOP Presidential candidates are rushing out their plan to provide comprehensive immigration reform.

    Senator Marco Rubio has one and former Florida Governor Jeb Bush has a post today in the Wall Street Journal and is working on a book to be released in March.


    Cynically, you could say in order to capture the growing Hispanic vote from the Democrats (Obama) who won over 70 per cent last November. You could also say in order to co-opt President Obama and his fellow Democrats who wish to “legalize” which equals citizenship and voting and permanently capture millions of Asian and Hispanic votes in future elections.

    But, there really is NO rush for Republicans.

    Let’s face it, the GOP brand does not do well at the polls with African-Americans, Asians or Hispanics. This is not a recent demographic fact. Even President Reagan did not do that great with these groups. Neither did the senior Bush. W did some what better, but was a disaster for the GOP brand.

    A thorough review of immigration policy is fine.

    Increasing skill-based immigration for certain workers, while increasing educationally opportunities for native born Americans is OK.

    Implementing an employer based E-Verify enforcement of work documents is necessary, but will take some time.

    Mexican border security needs to be further tightened, especially with regards to Mexican and Central American drug cartels.

    But, the rest is just political pandering which will NOT benefit conservatives, nor the GOP in 2016 or anytime before.

    Time for the discussion, but not the time to make a major immigration policy change. The GOP controlled House should exert its check on the Obama Administration and immigration amnesty prone GOP Senators.

  • Chris Christie,  Jeb Bush,  Marco Rubio,  President 2016

    President 2016: Insiders Say Bush, Rubio or Christie

    Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio

    Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush and Florida U.S. Senator Marco Rubio

    The National Journal has one of its Political Insiders polls up and this time it is the Presidential race in 2016.

    GOP insiders:

    • Marco Rubio 40%
    • Jeb Bush 27%
    • Paul Ryan 9%
    • Rick Santorum 9%
    • Chris Christie 8%

    Democratic insiders:

    • Jeb Bush 47%
    • Chris Christie 28%,
    • Marco Rubio 13%

    And, we all know that if Hillary Clinton wants the Democratic nomination that she will be the nominee.

    What do I envision?

    A Hillary Clinton vs. Jeb Bush race.

  • Marco Rubio,  Mitt Romney,  Paul Ryan,  Tim Pawlenty

    Has Mitt Romney Selected His Vice President?

    Matt Drudge is pushing this New York Times piece that says that Mitt Romney has selected his Vice Presidential running mate and that he may announce his decision this week.

    After a short-lived presidential bid of his own last year, Mr. Pawlenty is again being considered for the Republican ticket. His fate is in the hands of Mr. Romney, a rival-turned-friend, who is on the cusp of announcing his vice-presidential selection. Mr. Romney has reached a decision, his friends believe, and he may disclose it as soon as this week.

    Mitt would be making a BIG mistake if he chooses former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty.

    Pawlenty is boring on the campaign trail, was Governor of a “Blue” state (with no hope to win in 2012) and, well, is not distinguishable in any sense of the word.

    Look at who is leading in the Drudge Report poll:

    Almost any of the candidates would be better than Tim Pawlenty.

    Florida Senator Marco Rubio would be my first choice with Rep.aul Ryan in second.

    What say you, Mitt?

    If you want to win the Presidency, select either Rubio or Ryan. Even, Condi Rice would be a better choice.

  • Eric Holder,  Marco Rubio

    Senator Marco Rubio Says Attorney General Eric Holder Must Resign

    Florida United States Senator Marco Rubio

    Senator Marco Rubio is calling upon United States Attorney general Eric Holder to resign over the Fast and Furious Flap.

    Florida Sen. Marco Rubio told The Daily Caller on Thursday that it’s time for Attorney General Eric Holder to resign over the Fast and Furious scandal.

    During a breakfast for reporters organized by The Christian Science Monitor on Thursday, Rubio responded “yes” when asked if he agrees with presumptive GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney and the five other U.S. Senators who have called for Holder’s resignation.

    “I think we’re at the point of no return,” Rubio said.

    A House committee voted on Wednesday to hold Holder in contempt for not turning over documents related to the program after the White House exerted executive privilege.

    “I think evoking executive privilege at the 11th hour yesterday was probably the last straw…I don’t know how the attorney general can continue to exercise that office with any level of credibility after the decision that was made yesterday,” Rubio said.

    Other senators have called on Holder to resign, including South Carolina Sen. Jim DeMint, Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch, Texas Sen. John Cornyn, Georgia Sen. Johnny Isakson and Oklahoma Sen. James Inhofe.

    “I think the House has provided the attorney general multiple forums in which he can produce and answer these questions without endangering the kind of information that he thinks would endanger the ability to function in the future,” Rubio said. “And they’ve refused to do that.”

    I don’t think Holder who is a long time Democratic Party HACK will be given his leave by President Obama. After all, Holder has been around long enough to know where all of the Democratic bodies are buried.

    But, this entire flap has the potential to blow up in Obama’s face or hurt Democratic Congressional candidates in the Southwest who do not disavow the Attorney General.

    American voters are already distrustful of the federal government and Fast and Furious may be the “perfect storm” as an anti-Democratic wedge issue.

  • Barack Obama,  Marco Rubio,  Mitt Romney,  Polling,  President 2012,  Susana Martinez

    President 2012 Poll Watch: Arizona in Play?

    If Arizona is in play, then Mitt Romney will be a collosal Biggest Loser in November. This poll while close is probably an outlier.

    With the 2012 presidential election just over six months away, the latest statewide Merrill/Morrison Institute poll found that Arizonans are evenly divided on whom they will support in November.

    According to the poll of 488 registered voters, 42 percent said they would vote for former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, while 40 percent said they would support President Barack Obama and 18 percent were undecided. Because the poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 4.4 percent, if the election were held today the contest for Arizona’s 11 electoral votes would be a “toss up.”

    The poll found that the electorate is divided along party lines: 80 percent of Republicans said they would vote for Romney, 78 percent of Democrats for Obama. Although the sample of political independents is small (n=166), independents appear to be breaking slightly more for Obama (38 percent) than Romney (28 percent). However, the independent vote is still up for grabs because 34 percent of independents said they are undecided.

    “In Arizona, like the rest of the nation, political independents may determine who wins in November,” said poll director Dr. Bruce Merrill, a senior fellow at Morrison Institute for Public Policy. “The eventual outcome also may be dependent on whether former Surgeon General Richard Carmona can mount a vigorous campaign for retiring Sen. John Kyl’s seat, a campaign that would stimulate turnout in the Hispanic community. While I think if the election were held today Romney probably would win, it appears Obama can mount a competitive campaign in Arizona.”

    Romney appears to have the Tea Party support. Among the 39 percent of the electorate who said they support what the Tea Party stands for, 75 percent said they would vote for Romney.

    But the poll also found that younger voters disproportionately support Obama while older voters support Romney. No “gender gap” was found among Arizona voters, however, as 40 percent of both men and women said they would vote for Obama.

    Remember Arizona has not sent its Electoral College votes to a Democrat since Harry Truman in 1948.

    But, if anything this poll may make more of a case for Romney to add an Hispanic to the ticket – like Senator Marco Rubio od Florida or Governor Susan Martinez of New Mexico.

  • Barack Obama,  Mitt Romney,  Polling,  President 2012

    President 2012 Poll Watch: Democratic Insiders Say Mitt Romney is Obama’s Main Threat

    According to the latest National Journal Democratic Insiders Poll.

    With the economy sputtering, Democratic political operatives view former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney as the main Republican threat to President Obama’s reelection, according to this week’s National Journal Political Insiders Poll.

    Democratic Insiders see Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who has not yet declared whether or not he will run for president, as the second strongest against Obama. A separate poll of Republican insiders, released Thursday, also showed Perry as Romney’s main GOP challenger.

    Just two months ago, Democratic Insiders also saw Romney as the lead GOP challenger for Obama to overcome, but today, they sound like that hurdle is considerably higher. “He is the best counter to Obama,” said one Democratic Insider of the former Massachusetts governor. “He is an executive while Obama was a legislator. Romney ran a company–Obama never made a payroll. Romney created jobs–unemployment is 9 percent-plus under Obama.” Echoed another, “Strong business background in a bad economy is a plus for him, as is the Massachusetts health care plan in a general election.” Added a third: “He forces Obama to defend the Democratic base states, and will be able to talk about the economy better than any other Republican.”

    Democrats also thought Romney had gained experience from his unsuccessful run for the 2008 GOP presidential nomination and that he could win over swing voters, unlike some of his Republican rivals. “Has run before, looks presidential and unlike others not a total turn off to Dems and independents,” observed a Democratic Insider. “He’s got economic credibility, he seems smart, he has a bit of polish and he doesn’t seem like a complete loon,” said another Democrat. “None of the others have that whole package.

    I have to agree that Mitt Romney at present looks like the most formidable to President Obama’s re-election. If he can get by the narrative he outsourced jobs to foreign countries and that RomneyCare is the same as ObamaCare he will win on the poor economy alone.

    Also, if he chooses wisely a Vice Presidential running mate, like Rick Perry, Marco Rubio or Michele Bachmann who will reassure the Tea Party, he will have a tremendous advantage over Vice President Joe Biden.

    Still, most Democrats are not taking much for granted. “With Obama’s approval rating at 40 percent and seemingly insensitive to jobs, Romney and either Bachmann or [Sen. Marco] Rubio [of Florida] would be [a] formidable [ticket].” Another said of Romney, “It looks like he’s got the strongest campaign, he’s raised the most money, and he’s not part of the current morass in Washington.”