• Iraq War,  Liberal Morons,  Morons,  Politics,  Scum,  Socialists

    George Galloway Watch: Galloway in Los Angeles Part II

    George Galloway taking a question from the audience, Immanuel Presbyterian Church, Los Angeles, September 22, 2005.

    Flap previously had George Galloway Watch: Galloway in Los Angeles Part I.

    After making our way up the steps of the church Armed Liberal and Flap were immediately confronted with socialism at it finest(?) – the literature dissemination table by sponsored groups or kindred spirits. But……

    They were selling materials.

    The Democrats were NOT there but……

    The Peace and Freedom folks were.

    Galloway, of course, needs to fund his vacation home(s) so he was selling his book and stayed around after his speech to sign them (Flap did not wait around to get his autographed copy).

    We made our way to seats in mid-central church pew and waited.

    Armed Liberal was live blogging with his Treo until a call came……and he had to go.

    So, Flap waited alone for the warm-up speakers and the main event.

    This next photo is for Patterico. Note what the socialist folks were reading while they awaited the program.

    Yep – socialist worker flyers and the Los Angeles Times.


  • John Roberts,  Politics,  Supreme Court

    Judge John Roberts Watch: Easy Confirmation Ahead But Who is Next? Judge Priscilla Owen

    Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman, Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Penn., speaks on Monday, Sept. 26, 2005 in the Senate in Washington, regarding confimration of John Roberts as Chief Justice of the United States.

    The ASSociated Press has Roberts Heads Toward Easy Confirmation.

    Judge John Roberts will be confirmed by Thursday and then attention will turn to the next nominee.

    President Bush gave a hint today.

    “I will pick a person who can do the job. But I am mindful that diversity is one of the strengths of the country,” Bush said Monday. He is under pressure from many quarters — including his wife — to pick a woman or a minority for O’Connor’s seat.

    Although Flap was wrong on the date and time, he expects Judge Priscilla Owen to be named this Friday.

  • Iraq War,  Liberal Morons

    Cindy Sheehan Watch: Arrested in Front of White House

    In an earlier photo in Crawford, Texas

    Cindy Sheehan has been arrested in a protest outside the White House, AP reports.


    Update # 1

    KRON television has the story from the ASSociated Press.

    Cindy Sheehan, the California woman who has used her son’s death in Iraq to spur the anti-war movement, was arrested Monday while protesting outside the White House.

    Sheehan and several dozen other protesters sat down on the sidewalk after marching along the pedestrian walkway on Pennsylvania Avenue. Police warned them three times that they were breaking the law by failing to move along, then began making arrests.

    Sheehan was the first taken into custody. She stood up and was led to a police vehicle while protesters chanted, “The whole world is watching.”

    Since her Saturday protest was a failure……. Flap expected this………..

    Update #2

    The ASSociated Press has an update.

    Cindy Sheehan, the California woman driven by her son’s death in Iraq to re-ignite the anti-war movement, was arrested Monday while protesting outside the White House.

    Sheehan and several dozen other protesters sat down on the sidewalk after marching along the pedestrian walkway on Pennsylvania Avenue. Police warned them three times that they were breaking the law by failing to move along, then began making arrests.

    Sheehan, 48, was the first taken into custody. She stood up and was handcuffed, then led to a police vehicle while protesters chanted, “The whole world is watching.”

    Others who were arrested also cooperated with police. Sgt. Scott Fear, spokesman for the U.S. Park Police, said they would be charged with demonstrating without a permit, which is a misdemeanor.

    Park Police Sgt. L.J. McNally said Sheehan and the others would be taken to a processing center where they would be fingerprinted and photographed, then given a ticket and released. The process would take several hours, he said.


  • Blogosphere,  Election 2008,  Media,  Politics

    Hillary Clinton Watch: Internet News “RETHINK”


    China on Sunday imposed new media restrictions designed to limit the news and other information available to Internet users, sharply restricting the scope of content that can be posted on Web sites.

    In 1998 during a meeting with reporters, Hillary Rodham Clinton said that “we are all going to have to rethink how we deal with” the Internet because of the handling of White House sex scandal stories on Web sites.

    Clinton was asked whether she favored curbs on the Internet, after the DRUDGE REPORT made headlines with coverage of her husband’s affair with a White House intern.

    “We are all going to have to rethink how we deal with this, because there are all these competing values … Without any kind of editing function or gatekeeping function, what does it mean to have the right to defend your reputation?” she said.

    Hillary Clinton Continued:

    “I don’t have any clue about what we’re going to do legally, regulatorily, technologically — I don’t have a clue. But I do think we always have to keep competing interests in balance. I’m a big pro-balance person. That’s why I love the founders — checks and balances; accountable power. Anytime an individual or an institution or an invention leaps so far out ahead of that balance and throws a system, whatever it might be — political, economic, technological –out of balance, you’ve got a problem, because then it can lead to the oppression people’s rights, it can lead to the manipulation of information, it can lead to all kinds of bad outcomes which we have seen historically. So we’re going to have to deal with that. And I hope a lot of smart people are going to –”

    REPORTER: Sounds like you favor regulation.

    MRS. CLINTON: Bill, I don’t know what — that’s why I said I don’t know what I’m in favor of. And I don’t know enough to know what to be in favor of, because I think it’s one of those new issues we’ve got to address. We’ve got to see whether our existing laws protect people’s right of privacy, protect them against defamation. And if they can, how do you do that when you can press a button and you can’t take it back. So I think we have to tread carefully.

    Typical of the LEFT…..if you don’t like the news…….REGULATE ………spelled


  • Dental Technology,  Dentistry

    Dentistry Technology Watch: FDA Approves TMJ Total Replacement System

    The Food and Drug Administration has approved the Total Temporomandibular Joint Replacement System, manufactured by Walter Lorenz Surgical, Incorporated.

    The approval letter is here.

    What is it? The Total Temporomandibular Joint Replacement System is a prosthetic jaw joint.

    How does it work? The device is a ball and socket joint with one side mounted to the jaw and the other side mounted to the head in front of the ear. A surgeon implants the joint after removing any old devices, unsuccessful grafts, and badly damaged bone.

    When is it used? The device is used for patients who need a total jaw replacement due to one or more of the following conditions:

    • severe arthritic conditions
    • fused joints
    • previous multiple surgeries
    • severe fractures
    • tumors
    • severely degenerated joints
    • severe developmental abnormalities that cannot be treated by other means

    What will it accomplish? The device may reduce jaw pain, reduce interference with eating and increase the ability to open the mouth. Patients who have had many previous jaw surgeries may have more complications during joint reconstruction.

    When should it not be used? The device should not be used for partial TMJ joint reconstruction, or if the patient:

    • has an active or chronic infection
    • has insufficient bone to support the device
    • has a systemic disease with increased susceptibility to infection
    • has an allergy to any materials used in the device
    • has mental or neurological conditions, and is unwilling or unable to follow postoperative care instructions
    • is skeletally immature
    • has severe hyper-functional habits (e.g. clenching or grinding teeth).
    • has a foreign body reaction due to previous implants

    Additional information: The Summary of Safety and Effectiveness and labeling will be available at: http://www.fda.gov/cdrh/pdf2/p020016.html

    The Lorenz Surgical site is here.

    For the individuals who need total joint replacement there is now another solution.

    Stay tuned for more developments in this area of TM joint replacement and/or modification.

  • Liberal Morons,  Scum

    Bill Maher DumbASS Moron Watch: Bush is Drinking again

    Time to CANCEL HBO.

    Look at the latest from DUMBASS Bill Maher.

    Crooks and Liars has it.

    Bill Maher has some fun with President Bush, using the National Enquirer article that states GWB is drinking again as his spring board.

    Morons: Hitchings, Kay and Galloway join Maher in the fun on Maher’s HBO program Real Time, including the OT photo of a facially battered/ abused and black-eyed Laura Bush from a beating presumably from a drunk President Bush.

    NOT FUNNY – Maher!

    What a DUMBASS!

    Watch the video below.



    The National Enquirer has BUSH’S BOOZE CRISIS

    Michelle Malkin wonders if any women’s organizations like NOW will make a comment about the light hearted fun of abusing and battering women?

    Flap wonders if the senior executives at Time Warner who own HBO are also so cavalier as to the issues of alcoholism and the abuse of women?

    Who gave this DUMBASS another program……after he was KICKED OFF the air at ABC?

    Did THIS have anything to do with Friday’s show?