• Barack Obama,  Democrats

    The Coming Second Bill of Rights Under President Obama

    Second Bill of Rights

    The Second Bill of Rights

    Mark Steyn has put his finger on the pulse again.

    Re Sunstein, Obama and Euro-style rights, they may be here sooner than you think:

    Senator Obama’s call for a middle-class rescue plan comes a day after The Blade published a Page 1 open letter to the candidate welcoming him to Toledo and inviting him to endorse a ‘Second Bill of Rights’ that includes Americans’ right to a job where they live.

    Mr. Obama responded to The Blade’s question by agreeing that every American willing to work should be able to find a job at a living wage. But he stopped short of accepting that as a right.

    U.S. Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D. Toledo) whipped the crowd up before Mr. Obama took the stage yesterday telling them that America needed a Second Bill of Rights guaranteeing all Americans a job, health care, homes, an education, and a fair playing field for business and farmers.

    With a possible Super Majority in the Congress, the Democrats can and will push their LEFT agenda.

    Count on it……

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  • Barack Obama,  Democrats,  GOP

    Just a Little Election Fraud for Obama in Ohio

    From September 30 through October 6, Ohioans can both register to vote and cast ballots in the same day. Many are seeing this “Golden Week” as a golden opportunity to get new voters. Palestra.net’s Shelby Holliday has the story in Columbus

    Soren Dayton has the poop on this innovative way to obtain Ohio votes for Obama.

    Early voting is taking place in Ohio. Through the end of the week, people can register and vote on the same day. The Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner argues that they are merely “casting their ballot” rather than “voting” so the fact that Ohio statute requires 30 days between registering and voting would not interfere.

     So here is what is happening today. People are showing up to register and vote. There is no affirmative evidence that these people have not registered or voted somewhere else. There is no control. Normally in an election, partisan election monitors are allowed into polling places so that they can police each other. But not in two counties, Franklin and Montgomery, in Ohio. Brunner also issued an advisory opinion to counties saying that they are not required to allow election monitors.

    The Republican Party of Ohio should immediately run to federal court and stop this BS. Flap thought there were laws about buying votes or promising derelicts drinks or something like that…..

    Guess not in Ohio.

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  • Democrats,  economics,  GOP,  John McCain

    Why the Democrats Did Not Pass HR 3997 – the Financial Bailout Bill

    Obama Never Took A Position On The Bailout Bill

    Obama’s equivocation in voting “present” (in the video above) and if the House Democrats voted for an unpopular bill then they would be vulnerable in the November elections.


    The House GOP members knew they were being sandbagged by the House Democrat leadership and President Bush – hence the GOP votes against the plan.

    Will McCain get it?

    Only if he wants to be elected……


    McCain just read a “milk-toast” statement not reflecting the rancor and angst among American voters. Mac better kick it in gear if he wants to win the Presidency.

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  • Democrats,  economics,  GOP

    House Defeats Bailout Bill – What Now?


    HR 3997 was not passed.

    The House on Monday defeated a $700 billion emergency rescue for the nation’s financial system, ignoring urgent warnings from President Bush and congressional leaders of both parties that the economy could nosedive into recession without it.

    Stocks plummeted on Wall Street even before the 228-205 vote to reject the bill was announced on the House floor.

    Bush and a host of leading congressional figures had implored the lawmakers to pass the legislation despite howls of protest from their constituents back home. Despite pressure from supporters, not enough members were willing to take the political risk just five weeks before an election.

    The fact is the American voters did not support this unprecedented government intervention and do not believe President Bush or Congressional leaders.

    Now, both Barack Obama and John McCain should get their asses back to Washington and work with their respective parties to craft an acceptable compromise solution. Or, get the hell out of the way and let the free market correct the largess of the housing bubble.


    The roll call vote is here.

    Flap’s Congressman, Elton Gallegly voted NO.

  • Democrats,  economics,  GOP

    Is the Bailout Dead? House Debate is On

    +++++Scroll Down for Updates+++++

    HR 3997 has failed to win passage in the House

    Quite a kerfluffle on C-Span with the House debating HR 3997 – Financial Markets Bill.

    Flap will make comments in the right sidebar under Twitter Updates ———>

    Or Follow Flap on Twitter.

    In the meantime watch this video on the Democrats saying:”What Me Worry?”

    At a 2004 hearing see Democrat after Democrat covering up and attacking the regulations to protect Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (their Cash Cows) that are now destroying our economy because the Democrats let them cheat.


    Remember when Europeans were ridiculing the United States last week? They are NOT laughing so much now.

    Their solution – nationalize their banks.

    Update #2:

    Gallup Poll says Americans blame Bush and Paulson. Obama is handling crisis the best.


    But, what has Obama said? He generally approves of the compromise bailout plan of Bush and Paulson.


  • Barack Obama,  Democrats,  economics,  GOP,  John McCain

    John McCain Watch: What Happened in the Cabinet Room Yesterday?

    mccain and obama in cabinet room

    US President George W. Bush (centre) makes remarks during a meeting with members of congress including the presidential candidates John McCain (left) and Barack Obama (right). Top Democrats angrily accused McCain of sabotaging an astronomically expensive deal to bail out Wall Street and shore up the US economy

    Marc Ambinder has the poop on what REALLY happened yesterday in the Cabinet Room.

    Though Sen. Chris Dodd implied that Sen. McCain sandbagged the rest of the negotiators by bringing up alternative proposals, McCain himself did not bring up those proposals, according to four independent sources briefed by four different principals inside the meeting, including two Republicans and two Democrats.

    “McCain has not attacked the Paulson deal,” said a third Republican who was briefed by McCain direclty. “Unlike the [Democrats] in the [White House] meeting, he didn’t raise his voice or cause a ruckus. He is urging all sides to come together.

    Looks like John McCain is putting country first and the Democrats are trying for political advantage.

    Just saying……

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  • Barack Obama,  Democrats,  Jodie Evans

    Barack Obama Watch: Bundler and Code Pink Co-Founder Jodie Evans Meets with Ahmadinejad


    Cindy Sheehan, Jodie Evans, Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez and Medea Benjamin, January 28, 2006

    Jodie has a history meeting with the world’s thugs. So, why not Iran’s President Ahmadinejad?

    Kristinn Taylor writes about the meeting.

    A founding member of the campaign of Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois met in New York City Wednesday night with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

    Jodie Evans, who co-hosted Obama’s first major fundraiser in Hollywood in February 2007 just after Obama announced his candidacy and is a top fundraiser and donor to Obama’s campaign, led a delegation of leftist anti-American groups that held a private meeting near the United Nations. The stated purpose of the meeting was to “serve as an opening for diplomatic resolution” to prevent war between Iran and the United States.

    The government of Iran is listed as a state sponsor of terrorism by the State Department and is strongly believed to be developing nuclear weapons.

    Obama has stated that he would be willing to meet with Ahmadinejad and other enemies of the United States without conditions. Evans met with Obama in Beverly Hills last week at an exclusive $28,500 per person fundraiser. As a bundler for Obama, Evans is granted regular briefings with top Obama staff members and meeting with Obama and his vice presidential nominee Sen. Joe Biden of Delaware.

    Obama has come under heavy criticism from military families and troops support organizations over his alliance with Evans.

    Evans is co-founder of the pro-terrorist group Code Pink and works with state sponsors of terrorism to undermine America in the war on terror. She also has publicly announced her support for the terrorists in Iraq, her sympathy for Osama bin Laden and her “love” of Hugo Chavez.

    Given Evans’ closeness to regular contacts with Obama and his campaign, it is fair to ask if she is acting as an intermediary for Obama.

    Obama recently put his seal of approval on Evans’ attempt to storm the stage during the acceptance speech of Republican vice presidential nominee Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska when he welcomed her to his two Hollywood fundraisers last week, the exclusive $28,500 per person event and the $2500 per person event Barbra Streisand sang at the same evening.

    Others attending the meeting with Ahmadinejad included anti-American activists who support the terrorists in Iraq and work anti-American governments: Medea Benjamin, Brian Becker, Leslie Cagan, Larry Holmes and Ramsey Clark.

    Maybe Barry will appoint Evans as Ambassador to Iran or Venezuela should he be elected President. This is just another outrageous anti-American left-wing radical who is supporting and closely associated with Barack Obama.

    The press release announcing the meeting is here.

    The press release from Code Pink is here.

    The CODEPINK women proposed inviting American and Iranian artists to build a “peace park” in Tehran, a memorial dedicated to people-to-people commitment to peace and diplomacy between our two countries.

    They also proposed a plan to invest funds in an Iranian business, one that produces green and sustainable products, such as bicycles. This grassroots investment would be the opposite of efforts by the Bush administration and Congress to tighten sanctions, a move which CODEPINK thinks would only hurt ordinary, everyday Iranians. Such a symbolic CODEPINK investment in a green, sustainable business would challenge U.S. regulations blocking trade with Iran and would show how diplomacy and trade are preferable to war and sanctions.

    Bicycles and a “Peace Park” – Wow!

    How about asking Ahmadinejad to stop providing weapons to kill American soldiers in Iraq or sending missiles to Hezbollah to fire against Israel?

    No, this would be asking to much for these radical apologists.

    Here are a few more photos of the Obama major fundraiser Jodie Evans who will be co-hosting “Voices for a Senate Majority” fundraiser to support Democrat senatorial candidates this coming Saturday.


    Jodie Evans being arrested at the Republican National Committee, September 2, 2004

    jodie evansrnc2008

    Photo courtesy of Gateway Pundit

    We last saw Jodie Evans (left) and Medea Benjamin at the RNC where they tried to storm the stage during Governor Sarah Palin’s talk. They entered the arena using stolen identities of Republican delegates.


    Jodie Evans of Code Pink – Another Left Wing Radical for Barack Obama

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  • Barack Obama,  Democrats,  Sarah Palin

    Sarah Palin Smear Watch: Alaska Democrats Credit Sarah Palin With Killing Bridge to Nowhere

    Sean Hannity ridicules Democrats On Sarah Palin And The Bridge To Nowhere

    Democrat opposition research on Sarah Palin apparently goes bad on the Bridge to Nowhere.

    Conservative bloggers point out that in their campaign against Sen. Ted Stevens, R-Alaska, Alaska Democrats gave credit to Gov. Palin for helping to kill the Bridge to Nowhere.

    “Gov. Sarah Palin said the $398 million bridge was $329 million short of full funding, and only $36 million in federal funds were set aside for it,” the Democrats say. “She said it was clear Congress had little interest in spending any more money for it and that the state had higher priorities.”

    On another page the Dems say, “Gov. Palin recently cancelled the Gravina Island Bridge near Ketchikan that would have connected the Alaska mainland with Gravina Island (population: 50).”

    Here is the screen capture of the now removed and/or altered url original web site:


    Ooops. Flap agrees with Sean Hannity – this is hilarious.

    The Democrats are desperate to find something, anything against Sarah Palin and are looking like utter fools in the process.

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