• Sarah Palin,  Young America's Foundation

    President 2012: Sarah Palin to Headline Reagan 100 Celebration Opening Banquet

    Well, it is not the official Presidential Library celebration but one for the Young American for Freedom and it is up the road quite a bit from Simi Valley in Santa Barbara.

    Young America’s Foundation announced today that Governor Sarah Palin will give the keynote address on February 4 at its Reagan 100 Opening Banquet at the Reagan Ranch Center in Santa Barbara, California, for the 100th anniversary celebration of President Reagan’s birthday. Governor Palin was Alaska’s youngest and first woman governor and the first female Vice Presidential candidate in the history of the GOP.

    “I am very excited to have been selected to address Young America’s Foundation’s Reagan 100 dinner,” Governor Palin said. “Young America’s Foundation has been sharing the values of President Reagan with young people for more than 40 years, and there is no organization more committed to preserving freedom’s future.”

    To commemorate the 100th anniversary of Ronald Reagan’s birth, Governor Palin will reflect on the seminal speech by President Reagan, “Time for Choosing,” that discussed the risks and rewards before an America at a crossroads in the early 1960’s. Governor Palin will draw parallels to today while calling for young people to continue the Reagan revolution into the future.

    Vice President Dick Cheney will also headline the celebration weekend and deliver the keynote address at the closing Reagan 100 Dinner Banquet on Saturday, February 5 at the Reagan Ranch Center.

    I wonder if Sarah will come down to the Reagan Presidential Library on Saturday night or the official centennial on Sunday?

  • Jyllands-Posten,  Muhammad Caricatures

    Three Suspects in Muhammad Cartoons “Mumbai-Style” Terror Plot to Remain in Custody

    20101229jyllandsposten5 Muhammad Cartoons Mumbai Style Terror Plot Foiled by Danish Intelligence

    Offices of the Jyllands-Posten Newspaper which published the Muhammed Cartoons

    A court in Denmark made the ruling today.

    Three men suspected of plotting an attack on a Danish newspaper that published controversial caricatures of the Muslim prophet Mohammed in 2005 are to remain in custody, a court in Denmark ruled Thursday.

    The suspects, aged 29, 30 and 44, are to be kept in isolation for a further four weeks, judges in Glostrup, near the Danish capital Copenhagen, ruled.

    The three, who live in neighbouring Sweden, were arrested on December 29. At their initial court hearing they denied allegations they were planning to attack the offices of the Jyllands-Posten newspaper, but refused to make any further comment.

    A 37-year-old man remains in custody in Sweden on suspicion of being part of the alleged plot, but he has rejected the charges.

    Danish and Swedish police said they had cooperated closely in averting the possible attack and had been tracking the suspects for some time.

    Stay tuned……


    Muhammad Cartoon Danish Terror Plot Suspects Remanded into Custody

    Muhammad Cartoons “Mumbai-Style” Terror Plot Foiled by Danish Intelligence

    The Muhammad Cartoon Archive

  • Mike Huckabee,  Mitt Romney,  Newt Gingrich,  President 2012,  Sarah Palin

    President 2012 GOP West Virginia Poll Watch: Mike Huckabee is OK – Others Not So Much

    The current crop of Republican Presidential candidates except Mike Huckabee are not fairing so well according to the latest PPP Poll.

    West Virginia’s one of the most conservative states in the country. But even there voters don’t like any of the leading Republican candidates for President, with the exception of Mike Huckabee. It’s yet another sign that the current front runners have limited appeal and that the party might be better off with someone else emerging from the pack of currently second tier candidates as their nominee next year.

    The favorability vs. unfavorable index:

    • Mike Huckabee – 48% Vs. 27%
    • Mitt Romney – 34% Vs. 37%
    • Sarah Palin – 41% Vs. 47%
    • Newt Gingrich – 33%Vs. 43%

    But, President Obama does not do so well either – 34% Vs. 58%.

    Maybe this is why there are rumblings in the blogosphere about Jim DeMint and John Huntsnman today.

    There may be more who will consider a Presidential run – even Mike Huckabee.

    The poll is here (Pdf).

  • Jim DeMint,  President 2012

    President 2012: GOP Sen. Jim DeMint Open to Run for President?

    U.S. Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) (L), with his wife Debbie DeMint (C), takes part in a ceremonial re-enactment of his swearing-in by Vice President Joe Biden (R) in the Old Senate Chamber at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, January 5, 2011

    Well, Senator DeMint is heading to Iowa.

    News that South Carolina Sen. Jim DeMint will travel to Iowa on March 26 to address a conservative forum organized by Rep. Steve King is sparking another round of chatter that DeMint might launch a dark horse bid for the White House in 2012.

    The Republican gadfly has been adamant in denying such intentions for more than a year – just Wednesday, he gave CNN’s Wolf Blitzer a flat “No” when asked if he plans to seek his party’s presidential nomination.

    But the ground may be shifting in DeMint-world, and several of his closest advisers and political confidantes are now telling CNN that he is at least open to a presidential bid if a suitably conservative candidate fails to emerge from the early and wide-open GOP field.

    “I think that you can read into it that he sees he has a role in the process and he hasn’t completely shut the door,” said one DeMint adviser asked about the Iowa foray.

    DeMint currently sees his role in the 2012 process, the adviser said, as “setting the bar high” for the presidential contenders when it comes to advocating for a small government agenda.

    “He hasn’t completely shut the door on running, and if there is a massive void in the group of candidates, who knows what could happen?,” said the adviser, who was quick to caution that there is only a five percent chance the senator will run.

    So, what game is Jim DeMint playing here? Kingmaker?


    He would certainly be able to garner votes in the early South Carolina Presidential primary as a “favorite son.” Which would then drive the race for the GOP nomination to later in the primary season – past Florida and Super Tuesday.

    Of course, this is all dependent upon whether Mike Huckabee, Mike Pence and/or Sarah Palin run.

    It is a fun day today – first, John Huntsman and then DeMint.

    Looks like Mitt Romney is getting NO respect.

  • John Huntsman,  President 2012

    President 2012: Ambassador John Huntsman Gearing Up for a Presidential Race?

    U.S. Ambassador to China John Huntsman arrives with his wife Mary Kaye for the state dinner hosted by U.S. President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama for President of China Hu Jintao at the White House in Washington, January 19, 2011

    Or is the former Utah Governor just leaning towards the GOP nomination?

    U.S. Ambassador to China Jon Huntsman (R) appears to be leaning toward a run for president in 2012 and a team of political operatives and fundraisers have begun informal talks and outreach to ensure he could rapidly ramp up if he decides to run.

    Talk of a Huntsman presidential bid has been all the rage of late — ever since a Newsweek article earlier this month made clear he was seriously considering the possibility.

    During Chinese President Hu Jintao’s official state visit last week, President Obama was even asked by reporters about the prospect of Huntsman, a former Utah governor, challenging him in 2012.

    “I couldn’t be happier with the ambassador’s service, and I’m sure he will be very successful in whatever endeavors he chooses in the future,” said Obama. “And I’m sure that him having worked so well for me will be a great asset in any Republican primary.”

    Huntsman, for his part, has been mum about the possibility of a national bid but the breadth of the team that has formed to prepare for just such an eventuality suggests he is quite serious.

    But, Chris Cizzilla goes on to name Huntsman’s inner circle of advisors or kitchen cabinet, so to speak.

    If John Huntsman wants in the GOP Presidential race, the water is fine.

    But, he better get a move on to increase his name identification and determine how he will beat another fellow Mormon Mitt Romney.

  • Charles Koch,  David Koch,  Saul Alinsky,  Tea Party

    Who is Sponsoring the “Uncloaking the Kochs” Protest?

    Previous Koch Conference attendees conservatives include former Attorney General Edwin Meese, Rush Limbaugh, Senator Jim DeMint and Senator John Cornyn et. al.

    Remember the flap and the Saul Alinsky style street protest which I mentioned yesterday?

    This morning it has been picked up by Politico.

    This weekend, for the eighth straight year, the billionaire Koch brothers will convene a meeting of roughly 200 wealthy businessmen, Republican politicians and conservative activists for a semi-annual conference to raise millions of dollars for the institutions that form the intellectual foundation – and, increasingly, the leading political edge – of the conservative movement.

    In the past, the meetings have drawn an A-list of participants – politicians like Sen. Jim DeMint of South Carolina, leading free-market thinkers including American Enterprise Institute president Arthur Brooks, talkers Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck and even Supreme Court justices – to mingle with the wealthy donors who comprise the bulk of the invitees. The meetings adjourned after soliciting pledges of support from the donors – sometimes totaling as much as $50 million – to non-profit groups favored by the Kochs.

    For the most part, the meetings, which are closed to the public and reporters, have attracted little attention outside conservative circles. But very different circumstances surround the Koch conference set to begin Saturday at an exclusive resort outside Palm Springs, Calif.

    The Koch brothers – Charles and David – have come under intense scrutiny recently for their role in helping start and fund some of the deepest-pocketed groups involved in organizing the tea party movement such as Americans for Prosperity, and for steering cash towards efforts to target President Barack Obama, his healthcare overhaul, and congressional Democrats in the run-up to the 2010 election.

    Liberal critics have launched a campaign to highlight what they say is the systematic way in which the Kochs use their political giving to advance a conservative economic and regulatory agenda designed to further the interests of their oil, chemical and manufacturing empire.

    So, who is behind the protest of this conference? The usual LEFT organizations but let’s take a close look.

    1. Common Cause –  sponsoring organization of the Uncloak the Kochs – The Billionaires Causcus and its Threat to Our Democracy.

    2. California Labor Federation

    3. Courage Campaign

    4. California Nurses Association

    5. Code Pink

    6. ACLU

    7. Sierra Club

    8. Greenpeace

    9. AFSCME

    10. MoveOn

    There are others, but you get the point – The FAR LEFT and BIG LABOR.

    What a shock.

    And, Big Labor is helping organize the turnout and bus rides down to the Palm Springs area to protest on the streets. This is how they roll.

    But, what is there to protest? Politics? Fundraising? Political Activism? Hobnobbing with the rich and famous?

    While the Koch conferences have taken on an undeniably political edge – a June summit featured sessions on voter mobilization efforts for the 2010 midterms as well as solicitations for an ad campaign attacking Democratic lawmakers – those who have attended say the meetings say the critics have it all wrong.

    “The main goal of the seminars appeared to me to be education on the challenges that face the American system of free enterprise and democracy, and what people can do about them,” said Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell, a conservative Republican who has attended at least seven of the meetings.

    McDonnell, who is not attending this weekend’s conference, said he was introduced to the gatherings by “free market friends up in Northern Virginia, some in the Koch enterprises institution,” and he cast the conferences as playing an important role in the political process.

    “Groups on the right, left and in the middle get together all over this great country to exercise their first amendment rights to talk about these issues – some of them are public. Some of them are closed meetings,” he said. “So, to the degree that some on the left may be trying to attack these Koch seminars is really ridiculous.”

    Really ridiculous is correct. This is good government in action and the LEFT hypocritically runs the same type conferences and accepts money from large donors like George Soros – hello!

    This entire protest is a Saul Alinsky type of exercise to ridicule/humiliate/demonize the RIGHT for the benefit of the LEFT – that is all.

    I don’t think it will work.


    The LEFT ala Saul Alinsky Protest Koch Brothers Conference

  • GOP

    Republican Party’s Favorable Rating Net-Positive for First Time Since 2005

    The Gallup Poll have the good news for the GOP.

    Americans’ opinions of the Republican Party have improved to the point where now more have a favorable than unfavorable opinion of the party. The last time more Americans viewed the GOP more positively than negatively was in 2005

    For the early part of the 2000s, Americans had a net-positive image of the Republican Party. That changed in 2005, as Americans soured on the Bush administration over the ongoing Iraq war, the federal government’s response to Hurricane Katrina, and rising gas prices, among other issues. After the 2006 midterm elections, which saw Americans remove the Republicans as the majority party in Congress, the Republicans’ ratings were 35% favorable and 58% unfavorable.

    The Republican Party’s image remained negative over the next two years as the economy worsened, except for a 47%-47% reading after the party’s well-received national convention in 2008, which ended days before the financial crisis intensified. Just after Americans elected Barack Obama to replace Bush later that year, the Republicans’ net-favorable score was -27 (34% favorable, 61% unfavorable) — the worst Gallup has measured in this trend dating to 1992

    Not having George W. Bush around with an unpopular Iraq War will help but the Republicans in the House are on probation. If they do not perform and resort to politics as usual, the Tea Party will vote them out of office.

  • Day By Day,  United States Constitution

    Day By Day January 27, 2011 – Undead

    Day by Day by Chris Muir

    The LEFT usually regards the U.S. Constitution as that which was written by OLD WHITE GUYS who considered African-Americans as only 3/5’ths of a person slaves. Knowing that by playing the RACE CARD keeps a captive electoral base of support, this is cynical at best.

    But, it works.

    The Constitution is a living, breathing document and no matter who tries to kill it, it will survive – or the United States will be NO more.


    The Day By Day Archive

  • Del.icio.us Links

    links for 2011-01-26

    • Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, announced today that it has obtained new documents from the United States Air Force detailing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s use of United States Air Force aircraft in 2010. According to the documents, obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), Pelosi used Air Force aircraft for 43 flights from January 1 to October 1, 2010. According to documents previously uncovered by Judicial Watch, by comparison, Nancy Pelosi logged 47 flights in the prior nine-month period, April 1, 2009, to January 1, 2010.


      Read it all

      It only gets worse.

      (tags: nancy_pelosi)
    • An Education Intelligence Agency analysis of NEA’s financial disclosure report for the 2009-10 fiscal year reveals the national union contributed more than $13 million to a wide variety of advocacy groups and charities. The total was about half the amount disbursed in the previous year, though more than in 2007-08.

      The expenditures fall into broad categories of community outreach grants, charitable contributions, and payments for services rendered. In this list, EIA has deliberately omitted spending such as media buys, or payments to pollsters or consultants that have no obvious ideological component. The grants range from $2.125 million to a California ballot initiative campaign, down to smaller grants to organizations such as People for the American Way, Media Matters and Netroots Nation.


      Read it all

      List includes the teacher's union in with Big Labor = the organized American Left

      (tags: NEA)
    • Behind closed doors, California Democratic Rep. Loretta Sanchez has proposed removing Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords from the House Armed Services Committee (HASC) until she recovers from injuries sustained after being shot in the head on Jan. 8 in Tucson, The Daily Caller has learned.

      The proposal sparked an outrage, according to those in the room — including from those in Sanchez’s own party.

      “It’s not appropriate,” Texas Democratic Rep. Silvestre Reyes told The Daily Caller, adding that there was outrage among some members in the room when Sanchez made the suggestion. “It’s bad for morale during her recovery period.”


      Read it all

      Yeah, right.

      Good the Dems squelched this political opportunism by Loretta Sanchez

    • It’s clear that both parties have decided that a period of divided government twelve months before a presidential election is the wrong time to make big moves on entitlements and the deficit. Better to wait, jockey for position, and hope that the correlation of forces after 2012 will be more favorable to their preferred solutions. And it’s clear, too, that they’ve decided (with honorable exceptions) that it’s too risky to even begin building support for the unpopular cuts or tax increases ahead. The bet, on both sides, is that there’s still time to work with, and that the other party will blink, or at least give ground, before the real crunch arrives.

      Let’s hope they’re right.


      Read it all.

      Come on. The American people will demand specific policy direction coming into 2012.

      Obama will not receive a free pass nor will the GOP members of the House.

  • Dennis Kucinich,  Dentistry,  Nancy Pelosi

    Ohio Democrat Rep. Dennis Kucinich Sues U.S. House Cafeteria for Olive Pit in Sandwich

    Ohio Democrat Congressman Dennis Kucinich

    $150K for dental work – for an olive pit?

    Rep. Dennis Kucinich has sued a U.S. House of Representatives cafeteria for selling him a sandwich wrap that caused dental damage when he bit into a pitted olive, according to a Jan. 3 lawsuit filed in Superior Court for the District of Columbia.

    The Cleveland Democratic congressman’s lawsuit seeks $150,000 in damages from companies that operate the Longworth House Office Building’s cafeteria.

    It says he bought the suspicious sandwich wrap “on or about April 17, 2008,” and eating it caused “permanent dental and oral injuries requiring multiple surgical and dental procedures.”

    “Said sandwich wrap was unwholesome and unfit for human consumption in that it was presented to contain pitted olives, yet unknown to plaintiff, contained an unpitted olive or olives which plaintiff did not reasonably expect to be in the food prepared for him, and could not visually detect prior to consumption,” the lawsuit said.

    I cannot fathom any dental work that would have to be completed that would cost so much for an olive pit trauma. Maybe an auto accident, but not one or two teeth broken from biting an olive pit. Oh wait, the attorney wants to be paid too and since it is the government, why not?

    Between this idiot and former Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Air Force flight expenditures is there any wonder why American voters threw the Democrats out of power in the House?